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437504-B21 - Шасси HP BladeSystem cClass c3000 Sin-Phase 6U Enclosure (up to 8 c-class Blades) (incl 2 RPS(up to 6), 4 Fans(up to 6), DVD and 8...
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данные от 16.08.2022
Шасси HP BladeSystem cClass c3000 Sin-Phase 6U Enclosure (up to 8 c-class Blades) (incl 2 RPS(up to 6), 4 Fans(up to 6), DVD and 8 ICE Lic) Изображение товара  ниже

Дополнительные опции (аксессуары) для этого товара
c3000 Enclosure Options для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
412148-B21HP c-Class Replacement Enclosure Miscellaneous Blanks kit (Contains 1 each of Power Supply Blank, Interconnect Module Blank, Local KVM option blank, DVD Blank, Active Cool Fan Blank, and c3000 minidivider. This kit should only be ordered to replace lost or damaged blanks.)
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412150-B21HP c-Class Replacement Server Blank and Coupler Option Kit (contains 1 x half-height server blank with coupler) (The coupler allows half-height server blanks to be coupled together to create a full-height server blank. This kit should only be ordered to replace lost or damaged blanks.)
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c3000 Rack Brackets для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
461384-B21HP c3000 Rack Shipping Bracket Kit (Required when shipping a c3000 enclosure in a HP 10000 series rack. Order 1 kit per enclosure.)
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Onboard Administrator для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
488099-B21HP c3000 DDR2 Onboard Administrator (For a rack-based c3000. This Onboard Administrator module supports either single mode, or dual/redundant mode Onboard Administrators in a c3000 rack model.)
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488100-B21HP c3000 Dual Onboard Administrator Module (Second Onboard Administrator Module for the DDR2 OA module. Support for second Order Administrator Module for c3000 Enclosure. This module fits into an HP c3000 DDR2 Onboard Administrator (p/n 488099-B21).)
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c-Class Power Supply для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
437572-B21HP 1200W High Efficiency AC Common Slot Power Supply (AC power supplies include a C13 to C14 PDU power cord.)
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437573-B21HP 1200W-48V DC Common Slot Power Supply (DC power supplies contain a -48V DC power cord designed for in rack DC power rectifiers.)
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c-Class Active Cool Fans для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
412140-B21HP c-Class Active Cool 200 Fan (For a full enclosure, order 2 additional (6 total) Active Cool Fans. Supports the c7000 and c3000 enclosures.)
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HP BLc3000 Enclosure DVD Drive для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
437577-B21HP c3000 Enclosure DVD Drive
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HP c3000 KVM Module and Adapters для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
437575-B21HP c3000 KVM Module
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AF603AKVM Adapter for KVM switches with internal media drives
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Other c3000 enclosure options для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
461718-B21HP BLc3000 Tower Security Option
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500184-B21HP BLc3000 Tower Replacement Dust Filter (Includes 2 sets of dust filters.)
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437576-B21HP BLc3000 Rack Rails (For use with the c3000 rack models.)
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HP BladeSystem InfiniBand Interconnects для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
410398-B21HP 4X DDR IB Switch Module for HP c-Class BladeSystem
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HP iLO Advanced for BladeSystem для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
512488-B21ProLiant Essentials Integrated Lights-Out Advanced for BladeSystem, No Media, 1-Server License
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HP c-Class Storage Blades для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
411243-B21HP StorageWorks SB40c storage blade
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431643-B21HP PCI Express Mezzanine pass-thru card for HP BladeSystem (The mezzanine card is needed to support the SB40c storage blade (P/N 411243-B21) with HP c-Class BladeSystem full-height server blades.)
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HP c-Class Tape Blades для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
440947-B21HP StorageWorks Ultrium 448c Tape Blade
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AJ401AHP StorageWorks SB920c Tape Blade
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HP PCI Expansion Blade для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
448018-B21PCI Expansion Blade
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HP StorageWorks MSL2024 Tape Library для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
AJ034AHP StorageWorks MSL2024 1 LTO-4 Ultrium 1840 4GB FC Library
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AG326BHP StorageWorks MSL2024 1 LTO-3 Ultrium 960 4GB FC Library
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HP StorageWorks MSL4048 Tape Library для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
AJ036AHP StorageWorks MSL4048 1 LTO-4 Ultrium 1840 4GB FC Library
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AJ038AHP StorageWorks MSL4048 2 LTO-4 Ultrium 1840 4GB FC Library
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AG325BHP StorageWorks MSL4048 2 LTO-3 Ultrium 960 4GB FC Library
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HP StorageWorks MSL8096 Tape Library для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
AJ040AHP StorageWorks MSL8096 2 LTO-4 Ultrium 1840 4GB FC Library
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AH218AHP StorageWorks MSL8096 2 LTO-3 Ultrium 960 4GB FC Library
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HP D2D Backup Systems для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
EH938AHP StorageWorks D2D4004i Backup System (4.5TB of Disk Storage.)
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EH939AHP StorageWorks D2D4009i Backup System (9TB of Disk Storage)
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EH941AHP StorageWorks D2D4004fc Backup System (4.5TB of Disk Storage)
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EH942AHP StorageWorks D2D4009fc Backup System (9TB of Disk Storage)
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EH945AHP StorageWorks D2D2503i Backup System (3TB of Disk Storage)
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HP StorageWorks Virtual Library Systems для HP BladeSystem c3000      (437504-B21)
AH814AHP StorageWorks 12000 Virtual Library System Gateway Base Library
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T9709AHP StorageWorks VLS12000 Data Dedupe Capacity LTU (2.0TB) (Enables accelerated data Deduplication for the VLS12000.)
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AG306AHP StorageWorks 9030 Virtual Library System
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T9708AHP StorageWorks VLS9000 Data Dedupe Capacity LTU (Enables accelerated data Deduplication for the VLS9000.)
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AH809AHP StorageWorks 6218 Virtual Library System
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AH810AHP StorageWorks 6227 Virtual Library System
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AH811AHP StorageWorks 6636 Virtual Library System
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AH812AHP StorageWorks 6653 Virtual Library System
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T9707AHP StorageWorks VLS6000 Data Dedupe Capacity LTU (Enables accelerated data Deduplication for the VLS6000.)
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Шасси HP BladeSystem cClass c3000 Sin-Phase 6U Enclosure (up to 8 c-class Blades) (incl 2 RPS(up to 6), 4 Fans(up to 6), DVD and 8 ICE Lic)
фото 1 : Шасси HP BladeSystem cClass c3000 Sin-Phase 6U Enclosure (up to 8 c-class Blades) (incl 2 RPS(up to 6), 4 Fans(up to 6), DVD and 8 ICE Lic) (437504-B21)



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